2024 Wrapped Up
Hi, I know, I know! Everyone’s doing “wrapped up”s, and it’s getting cheesy, but I will do it anyway. It’s fun, and I really enjoy reflecting on the past and setting goals for the next year. But before that, I invite you to watch this amazing interview with Sam Altman. Books Let’s start with books. I had a goal to read 15 books but I only read 10. Here you can see more about my year in Books. ...
Solving vs. Solution
Hello! This week, I will focus on a discussion I had with a friend about an interesting idea. I really enjoyed the talk, and I guess you might too since it covers a very common pitfall in starting a startup. I hope you enjoy it. Don’t forget to subscribe! Startups Let me introduce you to Mohammad Rafigh. He’s a great software engineer and a very talented musician and he’s one of my very close friends. Be sure to check out his work, especially the music and you’ll be amazed. Enjoy his latest track. ...
Fear NOT
Hey hey! It’s been almost two years since my last post on this newsletter. A LOT has happened since then and I’m not even gonna try recapping it. Let’s just dive into what I’m going to do now :) Reboot as Fearless “Fear” has been my one and only true enemy in life. Every day I’m trying to do/build something and fight the fear of failure and judgment. I’ve decided to write about these stories and share my journey with you. As you probably know the topics I’m super interested in are software engineering, startups, leadership, business, and Investment. ...
Last Week's Good Content
Hi! As you know I’m very new to publishing this newsletter. I’ve been posting content recommendations on my Telegram channel, Twitter, Mastodon, and, LinkedIn and I was planning on republishing mostly each week’s content as an issue for this newsletter. I’m not still sure whether it’s a good idea or not. I’m thinking about it and I’ll keep you posted as well. Meanwhile, I’d be happy to get your advice. What do you think? ...
Can You Solve This?
Today when I was riding the bus I thought “would it be possible to efficiently utilize the seats so that each individual would sit as long as possible?”. The short answer is for reality is probably “NO!” but let’s have fun with the problem in theory at least :) Let’s say that we have a bus route with 50 stops and the distance between each consecutive pair is constant. The bus has 20 seats (Let’s focus on one bus for now). Then at each stop (including the terminals) we get the data on how many people are getting on and at which stop they’re getting off. At each stop tell each passenger to sit (optionally) or let them stay standing by default. ...
I write, therefore I am
Writing is hard. But I’ve always enjoyed it as well, despite all the frustrations. It helps to think better. I’ve recently read this great blog post (Writing is Magic) and I couldn’t agree more with it. Writing is nature’s way of letting you know how sloppy your thinking is. Why this, why now? As I said I enjoy writing and I’ve always wanted to have a newsletter but I never had the courage and the confidence that I’ll have enough content for the next week or event the next month. Recently it seems that I’m getting more consistent in reading a few articles every day and writing about those that I really like on my Telegram channel. ...
How GitLens enhanced my commits
I’ve been using GitLens on VS Code since always! The reason I Installed GitLens is being one of the most popular and recommended extensions on the marketplace. But recently I’ve noticed how its current line blame feature has made my whole committing process much better. Of course, I knew about Git blame long before even GitLens came into existence. Although it’s a great tool to exploit git history, It’s not handy and easy to use and so it’s not commonly used. Or at least, not as common as seeing the current line blame at all times. ...
The journey of blogging for fun
As long as I remember, I’ve always enjoyed blogging and wanted to do it more. But unfortunately, it never happened. Recently, I came to realize that the high standards I had for the quality of my posts were possibly the most important reason not to write. Basically, I had always wanted a professional blog! By professional, I mean a blog which the author makes a living out it; and maybe some other people as well! And the effort I was willing to make was just a little bit more than tweeting! ...
The story of a nil pointer receiver
Let’s assume we want to store Gender as an attribute for our users. And since we use PostgreSQL we can define an enum for gender like this: ...
Fun Hack: Copy commands to a local VM without clipboard
I was following an instruction to deploy an application on a Virtualbox VM and I wanted to execute the long commands. By default it’s not possible to copy those command into the VM. VirtualBox has a shared clipboard feature which I tried to get it working but it didn’t happen so I didn’t dig into it and I came up with a funny hack :D I sent the commands through a socket :) ...