I guess you know my name by now. I started playing with code when I was 10 and I’ve been enchanted with software since then.
I am super-passionate about software engineering, startups and leadership. I spend a lot of time on reading books and articles, watching tech talks and experimenting on these subjects.
In my spare time, I’m mostly building software and contributing to open source softwares. I like to watch movies and series a lot. And last but not least, I try to keep blogging.

A brief history of my career so far.

  • Currently, I am the Tech Lead of Search & Discover team at Epidemic Sound since April 2023.
  • I was a director of engineering at Divar from June 2021 to March 2023 and a software engineer since May 2020.
  • Formerly, I was working on cloud storage technologies and databases with different roles (software engineer, product manager and team leader) throughout the years at Sotoon (a.k.a Cafe Bazaar Cloud) from March 2017 to May 2020.
  • Worked on a private cloud infrastructure by developing and maintaing Kubernetes clusters at Sotoon (a.k.a Cafe Bazaar Cloud) from May 2016 to March 2017.
  • As software engineer at Khak Co. from May 2014 to April 2016, I was mostly developing and maintaing software services.


I provide some professional services that you could checkout the details here.

Contanct Me

If you’d like to be in touch and disucss some these of stuff together I’d be happy to do so. You can start by sending me and email.